26.12.17 Andhra Pradesh (APPSC) Daily Current Affairs

ANDHRA PRADESH   Pilot scheme on biodiversity index to take off from Tirupati   Keeping in view the steady increase of population in urban areas and changing patterns of city growth, the Andhra Pradesh State Biodiversity Board (APSBDB) will be embarking on a pilot project to determine the ‘City Biodiversity Index’ of major cities across the State. … Read more

Post Independent Karnataka- Political Consolidation, Reports and Disputes

Post Independent Karnataka- Political Consolidation, Reports and Disputes     Political Integration   India gained independence in 1947. The new government soon began delaying concerning the Karnataka Ekikarana movement. Kannada speaking areas were now grouped under five administrative units of the Bombay and Madras provinces, Kodagu, and the princely states of Mysore and Hyderabad. The Akhila Karnataka Ekikarana … Read more